
Don't feed the dinosaurs - an intro post.

They'll bite the hands that feed them, I'm tellin ya.

These big guys love their fresh meat, and I mean they love the taste of that extra bit of adrenaline that gets pumped into their meals while they're having lunch on the go.

With exception to the vegetarians of course, but still!

It's never a good idea to let them mooch free food off you. They'll follow you home and next thing you know, they'll bring their friends, and those friends bring their friends, and so on, and so on.


Ahem, that aside, what's there to say about working on Neozoic?

It's like making uber-detailed storyboards for an epic Hollywood summer blockbuster movie, minus the bad sex scenes. Pr0n0z with the dinos? I don't think so.

There's quite a bit of blood to go around when the dinos get hacked up in places we almost feel their pain ourselves, the poor things. But what about the humans? Well, being that Neozoic's supposedly PG-13 ish, we don't really get to see entrails or body parts flying around. Do we need to? Maybe in a grindhouse flick, that's stuff's mandatory. Otherwise, just having lots of blood says quite a bit.

It can be pretty freaky when we find out what the insides of our bodies look like when we're all ripped apart and everything.

Y'know how it is... Let's not traumatize the kids just yet.


Ah, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself:

I'm Jessie Lam, the colourist on the comic. Figured I'd start up a production blog of sorts for the people who are interested in following the book and seeing the sheer amount of madness that goes into making it. As spoiler-free as possible of course.

Currently in the middle of colouring up some extra pages for a Neozoic short for Free Comic Book Day 2008, I'll start adding some previews and covers as soon as I got some more time on my hands.

Hopefully this long-winded ramble suffices as a decent first post in this unofficial Neozoic blog. Till next time!

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