
Retrospect on issue #05

If #05 could be summed up in one word:

So I managed to find a final lettered version of issue 5 on the FTP where we stow our work files, good chance that it's the preview file that will be sent around to a bunch of reviwers interested in giving it a look-see. I flip through and I do my usual self-depreciating-artist routine thing that plenty of artists do. Seeing the book as a whole with the lettering made a world of difference to me as opposed to just seeing them page by page in the order I worked on them. Truth be told, I'm still not used to it heheh.

I figured out how to do the night scenes but they're hell on my eyes. When I wake up and start chipping away at them in the mornings, I percieve the colours differently than I did the night before. [Blasted sunlight! I shake my fist in anger at youuu~!] I couldn't tell if the pages were too bright, too dark, not enough saturation or whatever until the sun rose a little higher outside.

Think it turned out well enough. I got to switch the colour palletes around for the night scenes, messed with fire effects, and light-filtering-through-tree effects. Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention:

NO DINOSAUR STAMPEDE ORGY~~!!!!!! At least... Not on a ridiculously epic scale like issue 3 or 4.. Painting dinosaurs at night time was a lot more fun this time around because you can have their eyes all glowing and stuff as they're hiding in shadows. It's all very "Peekaboo I see j0000~!"... sorta....

Oh before I forget, if anyone wants to spoil the premise for issue 5 for themselves, here's the link. I mentioned before that issue 4 takes off mere seconds after issue 3. This time several hours have gone by since the dinos were doing their best Godzilla tapdancing impression with their friendly neighbours, the humans. Imagine the aftermath of something like that yeah? Dinosaurs tapdancing on your roofs? Gotta be winning material right there.

Previous posts:
"Night Scenes are HARD"
"Issue 5 progress/cover roughs"

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