
Issue 5 progress | Cover roughs

So far it's been a little slow, my nerves are a little frayed from losing a week over fixing computer problems, one of which involved my foot and the powerbar.

[Click for mini-rant ▼]
It's one thing to scan and purge whatever virus or ad/spyware was hiding on the hard drive but man... The Bamboo Fun driver issues popped up to give me the "please reinstall tablet" prompt, adding to the lag the system idle process was causing on the side. The chugging was so loud I swear my computer was groaning in agony. Stopped trying to tough it out when programs began closing in on themselves, particularly while I was saving my work. After pulling my best Hulk impression for having to redo a double page spread three times, I finally nailed down the colours for the first 3 pages.

I chillaxed a bit this morning to play some Patapon on the PSP. Damned theme song is stuck in my head, but awesome game nonetheless. Great way to pass the time while Photoshop files are saving.

Issue 5 takes place at night so I was able to use a lot of purples and blues for once. Brushing up on fire effects right now since there might be a lot of torch lighting going on. Orange rim lighting here we come!

While I'm mulling over lighting options for the rest of the book, feel free to check out the rough layouts for all the Neozoic covers [1-5] so far:

[Still haven't seen 10 000 BC, I think I'll have to take a raincheck on that for now.]

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