
Retrospect on issue #03

I've got one word to describe this: EPIC.
I mean, just look at those previews!


The script had the issue starting at the very crack of dawn, so I had to start off with a lotta deep reds, purples and pinks, then as time went on I built it up so the skies had more oranges and yellows for emphasis. The dinosaurs were all in bigger groups than before so I had to find more ways to colour them up without them all looking the same or blending in too much with the background. There were a small bunch of crowd scenes sure, but there was quite a bit of flying debris here and there, mostly huge dust clouds and such.

From the previews alone you could so tell I went crazy with the special effects. Korim's layouts in this issue made it easy for me to pick and choose where the lighting should go. I've picked up a few new tricks working on this issue and I'll be carrying those onto the next one.

A whole lotta love went into this issue, I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that the printing process goes over smoothly. Experience usually tells me that a good chunk of colourists and illustrators are never 100% satisfied with the final print because of how damned finicky we can be with how things should look on our screens and in our hands.

"First issue I thought had the contrast levels cranked up with a slight yellow tint. Second issue was better, maybe slightly oversaturated here and there, and not enough contrast in some areas."
- Blah blah blah.

It's this train of thought I have where as I'm mulling over the final print, I kinda wonder to myself if there's something that could've improved on the pages before they were sent off to the printers. It can be an unhealthy habit, but damn is it hard to break.

Remember how I mentioned that working on Neozoic was like doing storyboards for a movie? This issue says it all.

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